Ever thought about wearing perfume to bed? I know it seems strange but it can actually help you sleep better.
Making sure you get the recommended amount of sleep is important for everyday life, it is on par with eating healthy and exercise but not everyone knows how important it actually is. A good night’s rest helps protect your mental and physical health, improves your quality of life and helps your body repair itself.
As we know a fragrance has the power to significantly affect your mood, reduce stress and relax your muscles. All things that you want before hitting the sheets, so if you struggle with falling to sleep at night, why not try giving that a go.
There’s nothing to lose and so much to gain! It's the same reason why hotels use bedroom-specific scents to help guests achieve a better night of sleep.
Here are some perfume ingredients to look out for!
Rose: Rose can actually help lower the blood pressure and make you feel more rested making it easier to fall asleep. This is a very common ingredient in perfume.
Lavender: Proven to lower anxiety, stress levels, pain and more by reducing your heart rate.
Jasmine: Studies have linked to reduced anxiety levels and higher sleep quality.